
Tecline R2 TEC2 Sidemount Extreme Regulator Set

Regular price S$1,680.00 S$0.00

The Tecline R2 TEC Sidemount Extreme Regulator Set combines two reversible R2 TEC first stages with two TEC2 second stage regulators and also includes two SPGs, inflator hoses and a carry bag. These regulators have excellent specifications and have been brought together specifically for technical-level sidemount divers using specialised cave and overhead diving configurations.

The R2 TEC first stage regulator features a balanced diaphragm design with a dry chamber to environmentally seal the diaphragm and prevent freezing in cold conditions and also protect the working diaphragm in heavily silted water. These first stage regulators have 2 HP ports on either side of the 300 bar DIN fitting. A rotating end turret houses 4 LP ports around the circumference and a 5th LP axial port on the bottom end.

The rotating turret allows sidemount divers to store hoses neatly down the side of the cylinder and then deploy the full length of the hose when needed.

The 5th axial LP port comes installed in the R2 TEC2 Sidemount Regulator set. It is perfect for short hose connections to the BC and drysuit inflators, minimising clutter and improving the diver's streamlined profile.

Paired with the TEC2 reversible second stage regulators, these are top of the line high-quality balanced second stages. It features both Venturi flow controls, as well as breathing resistance adjustments for extra comfort during the deeper dives. The TEC2 second stage also features a central purge button to reduce the frontal area, making it less susceptible to activation in strong current.

Tecline R2 TEC regulators are CE certified and tested in accordance with the requirements of EN 250.  They also undergo extensive trials in punishing environmental conditions such as icy Polish lakes, to Mexican caves and (not so punishing) tropical waters. 

The R2 TEC and TEC2 Reversible Regulators are suitable for use with Nitrox blends up to EAN40, out of the box.

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